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I'm a computer science freelancer. I develop software and give advice on software and science issues. I'm interested many software development areas. My major skills are within:
- Fast, asynchronous and parallel processing in C/C++
- Prototyping applications with Python/PHP/Matlab
- Computer Vision and related software development
- Platform independent development
- Platform independent GUI applications with Qt
- Geoinformation systems
- Web development
- General mathematical algorithm design
If you are interested in working with me, please feel free to get in touch with me.
I started programming in the early 90ies. I have collected a lot of experience and can dig into new challenges and languages very fast and efficiently. I have gained significant experiences in many different areas, some of which are: [ReadMore]
Programming Languages:
- Python
- Matlab
- Java
- PHP, HTML(5), CSS(3),Javascript, JQuery, MySQL, SQLite, etc.
- Bash
- TeX / LaTeX
- CUDA / OpenCL
- Qt, pyQt
- OpenCV
- freeimage, libexif, ec.
- libgdal, libgeotiff, SRTM data, etc.
- OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph
- OpenMP
- ffmpeg, mencoder, H264, etc.
- Optimization: ann, levmar, eigen, minpack, lapack, fftw, etc.
- B2evolution, Wordpress, Typo3, Typoscript, etc.
- many more
Methods and Concepts:
- Platform indepentend development (e.g. Qt)
- Porting software from Windows to Linux and vice versa
- Asynchronous software (i.e. for GUIs)
- Parallel data processing
- GPU massively parallel data processing
- Rapid prototyping for feasability studies
- Geoinformation data processing (GPS, different map-APIs, SRTM, etc.)
- Satellite Orbit simulation
- Unix (Web-)Server administration
- (Automated) Unit testing, testing frameworks
- CCTV connection and data processing
- Internationalization (Qt and Typo3).
- CMake, Installer for MS Windows
Specific Areas
- Computer Vision
- Photogrammetry
- Pattern recognition
- (Automated) Image processing
- Remote Sensing
- Automotive software development
- (Real-time) video processing
Open Source Projects
Some of my projects I offer freely as Open source (usually GPL based). Some of these projects I work on continuously, others I work only on request.
The list of my Open source projects: [ReadMore]
2015 | Gimp Gradient Extrapolate: This tool is a plugin for the GIMP. It allows you to smoothely remove objects from background or to fill gap. For a detailed description and for download refer to: |
2015 | pure python polyfit, a tool for polynomial fitting (1D, 2D, N-D), QR-decompositions and least squares solving of linear systems without third-party libraries like numpy etc. For Python2/3; see |
2013 | Autorename, a smart tool for renaming files with running numbers; Developed in C++, with Qt; see |
2013 | GPSMovieGenerator, a tool for creating videos based on media files and GPS track(s); Developed in Python and numerous thirdparty libraries; see, a sample video I have created: |
2012 | Photo, Image and Video Organization Tool - "pivot", a tool for organizing photography; Developed in C++, with Qt and other thirdparty libraries. The instructions:; see |
2011 | GeditChangelog, a tool to accurately log every single change in a text document. This tool is a plugin for Gedit, a text editor; Developed in Python and GTK+, for Gedit; see; a sample video for its use: |
Please feel free to use any code for your project. But respect the GPL license. That is, publish all of your project's code if you deliver your project.
If you want to support me, consider donating: (I can also issue invoices). [ReadLess]
Every since my first camera a decade ago, I have been photographing everything. This is mainly for keeping private moments, just like holidays etc. But every now and then I run a proper photographical project, some of which I present here.
Currently, some of my pictures can be found on fotolia: My Fotolia Profile
Software Tools for Photography
I prefer working on linux, even for photography processing. Since the oportunities with it are slightly less optimal compared to Windows or Mac, I started writing my own software when needed. I made some of this software open source, so others can benefit from this, too.
Scanned Image Extractor: A Tool for efficient extraction of photographs in scanned images (e.g. of family albums). This is part of an image processing chain
pivot: This is a purely file name based organization software. It does help organizing the photographs and videos on your hard disk. Organized pictures on file level make it a lot easier to keep track of your photography history - even without tagging. It comes with quite some interesting features
Gimp Gradient Extrapolate: This tool is a plugin for the GIMP. It allows you to smoothly remove objects from background or to fill gap
autorename: This is a small tool for linux/windows which allows to smartly rename a set of files in a directory such that the running number is without gaps. It does keep different numberings, e.g. from different dates
GPSMoviegenerator: This script collection allows to create videos from picture, movie and GPS media. For an example see:
I was able to walk on my own at the age of 9 months, already. This was an early indication for my love to move and exercise. In my early life I was an track and field athlete. Some years later, I had additionally been playeing the famous European Team-Handball for more than decade but never lost track of running. I had tried a couple triathlons (first one 1996) before I became competitive triathlet (2008).
In 2016 and 2018 I was able to qualify and to start at the Ironman World Championchips in Kona, Hawaii. My personal best is 8:40h (Ironman Barcelona 2019). I finished multiple sub-9 Ironmans (Barcelona, Frankfurt, Klagenfurt, Hawaii, Vitoria).
Legal information
required by German Teleservices Act; continuing in German:
Angaben gem. § 5 TMG
Betreiber und Kontakt:
Dominik Rueß
Corinthstr. 62
10245 Berlin
USt-IdNr.: DE295489937
Angaben zur Berufshaftpflichtversicherung:
Name und Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Arnulfstraße 31
80636 München
Geltungsraum der Versicherung: Weltweit außer USA und Kanada
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Quellen, Bilder und Grafiken:
Angaben der Quelle für verwendetes Bilder- und Grafikmaterial:
Bilder und Logo: Dominik Rueß
Homepage-Vorlage (Template): Jane Doe, HTML5 UP, Creative Commons License
Quelle Impressum: